Since 2002 Portal Medical Group has offered our ACR Phantom cradles to make your weekly ACR quality control scans as smooth as possible. From this beginning we have expanded to offer you everything you will need for ACR accreditation; from the ACR Phantom to replacement parts.
Portal Medical Group also helps you get the most from your MRI scanner by offering the Portal Gravity System (PGS) and Patient Exclusionary Calipers (PEC).
ACR Phantom Cradle
Portal Medical Group has offered a quick, easy, and accurate solution to positioning the ACR Phantom since 2002. Our cradles allow you to accurately and repeatedly position your Phantom at isocenter for your weekly QC scans.
Each of our cradles are designed to fit the specific head coils for GE Healthcare, Siemens, Philips, Hitachi, and Toshiba scanners.
ACR Phantom
The ACR phantom is the only phantom approved by the American College of Radiology for the ACR accreditation program. The phantom body is marked with a NOSE and CHIN to aid in orienting the Phantom for scanning. Inside of the Phantom are various fixture used to facilitate testing of scanner performance.
The large Phantom is used for head coils and is compatible with all of the cradles that we offer. The small Phantom is primarily for use with extremity MRI.
ACR Phantom Refill Kit
The Refill Kit for the ACR Phantom includes everything you need to easily remove air bubbles and top off the ACR phantom. This saves you time and money by eliminating expensive overnight shipping costs to ship the phantom back and forth. The Refill Kit allows for multiple uses so you have a trouble-free solution the next time your phantom gets an air bubble.
ACR Parts & Accessories
Portal Medical Group fully supports all of our offerings, whether you need a new storage case for your Phantom or just a replacement screw for a Phantom cradle, Portal Medical Group is the first and only stop needed for all of your ACR needs. The following list is a sample of what we offer:
​Phantom Screws
Phantom Storage Cases
Cradle Hardware
Refill Kit Hardware
Weight Bearing MRI
Portal Gravity System
Are you getting as much out of your MRI scanner as you can? Conventional MRI and CT exams scan patients in the recumbent position thus negating the effects of gravity on the spine. The Portal Gravity System which is 510[k] FDA approved and compatible with all commercially available standard MRI and CT systems, places an axial load on the spine during routine imaging procedures.This simulates the upright position providing additional valuable information and may reveal occult pathology and shows the true severity of the problem.
Patient Exclusionary Caliper
Don’t go through the long process of admitting patients only to find out that they aren’t going to fit in your MRI. The Patient Exclusionary Caliper (P.E.C) will save your facility time, money, and frustration by ruling out incompatible patients before you’ve prepped them for their appointment with the technologist. These are not “one-size-fits-all”. Each P.E.C model matches the profile of specific MRI gantries so you or your intake personnel can confirm a patient can maintain specific postures inside the MRI.